What is appropriate at Glenmeade Elementary?

  • DRESS CODE - Students should wear comfortable casual clothing that permits running, freedom of movement, and is washable so it will not be ruined by participation in Art or P.E. Comfort and good taste are the guiding principles in clothing selection. Student dress should be neat and clean. Students should be dressed and groomed in a manner which will not interfere with or detract from a school environment conducive to academic learning or study, or which disrupt or threaten to disrupt the educational or instructional process or create an unnecessary or unreasonable risk of injury or harm to any student.

    Students may wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to, hats as approved by the principal, for outdoor use during the school day. (Education Code 35183.5). Hats must be worn with brim forward and removed in the classroom.

    AR 5132 of the CVUSD Board Policies addresses Student Dress Code. This policy information is also a part of the beginning of the year packet and on the District website. Please note that these are minimum guidelines for students K-6:

    1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals must have a heel strap. Thongs, thong-type, or backless shoes or sandals are not permitted. Platform shoes above 2 inches are not permitted. Roller shoes or cleats are not permitted.
    2. Clothing shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all See- through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.
    3. Hats, caps and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors unless they are for religious or medical
    4. Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, ) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol, or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likenesses of weapons, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice.
    5. Nail polish may be worn.
    6. Make-up is not permitted.
    7. Jewelry which creates a health or safety hazard is not permitted.
    8. Clothes and belts must be the appropriate size and length when worn.
    9. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed.
    10. College logo apparel is permitted as designated by school’s policy.

    All of these dress code restrictions will be enforced.  For dress code violations, parents will be contacted and asked to bring appropriate attire to the school. The site administrator will review and determine any dress or grooming that violates district guidelines but is not expressly delineated by district or school policies.