PREP - Ms. Susan & Ms. Jasmine
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Welcome to the Glenmeade PREP Preschool Program!
PREP Back To School Night: August 25, 2022
Session 1: 5:30
Session 2: 6:00
Daily Schedule (2021 virtual)
8:20 - 8:45: ELA
- real time instruction (first circle)
- greeting
- songs
- pledge
- weekly focus
- phonics chart
- letter sounds
- question of the day
8:45 - 9:00: Movement/PE
- Jack Hartmann, Wiggles, Hot Potato, Go Noodle, etc.
9:00 - 9:15: MATH
- real time instruction (second circle)
- calendar/counting/patterning/number sense
- song of the month - Jack Hartmann
- months of the year song
- days of the week song
- daily story
9:15 - 9:45: Synchronous Work Time
- 1 ELA worksheet
- 1 Math worksheet
- sometimes science, social studies, scavenger hunt, manipulatives, or a craft
- sharing on Fridays
9:45 - 10:00 Second Step Social/Emotional Lesson
- Second Step
- related read aloud
- social story
10:00 - 10:05 Closing
- closing song
- We Had A Good Day Song
- Say Goodbye
10:05 - 10:20 Small Groups
- goals
10:20 - 11:00 Asynchronous Work Time
- real time instruction (first circle)
For assistance with technology or online tools, you can contact the Distance Learning Technology Hotline (909) 628-1202 ext 1080.
Note: This hotline is NOT for HW assistance and is only for assistance with technology issues.
Contact information: Glenmeade Elementary 909 393-4087 Speech - Language Pathologist (SLP) Office Hours: M-F 10am-12pm
Ms. Lisa Ms. Susan
M W F: 1-2 M W F: 1-2
Please feel free to call or email anytime as long as it's not during instruction time.