• Glenmeade Traffic Safety Guidelines 24-25


    Please adhere to the following guidelines to keep traffic flowing and student safety a priority.



    • Students are not to arrive before 10 minutes prior to school, as there is no supervision before that time. 
    • Students eating breakfast at school need to walk to the cafeteria and will remain in the cafeteria until they are escorted to the blacktop area when the first bell rings.
    • Pick-up takes roughly 10-15 minutes to complete at the end of the day. At that time, students who are not picked up will be brought to the office and will only be released to an adult who is listed as an emergency contact in Aeries and shows valid ID.
    • Students must be picked up promptly at dismissal time and on minimum days.



    • Enter ONLY through the marked entrance.  NEVER enter through the exit driveway.
    • ONLY turn right at the exit.  Left turns are illegal during the times posted on the sign.



    • The right lane in the parking lot is for drop off and the left lane is for passing.
    • If you are using the drop-off lane, your child needs to be able to independently get out of the car on the passenger side so they remain safe.
    • Always have children enter and exit your vehicle on the curbside
    • Unload and load passengers in front of the school, not on the ramp marked with a red curb.
    • Please pull as far forward as possible in the drop off lane and have your child exit as soon as the line comes to a stop.  Please do not wait until you are the first car in line.
    • Parents may not leave their car unattended in the drop off or traffic lanes under any circumstances.  Do not park and get out of your car unless you are in a parking space.
    • Preschool, TK, and Kindergarten parents will need to park and walk to pick up their child from the teacher.
    • Do not pass waiting cars to fill an opening in the drop off lane unless directed to do so.  Please stay in line and wait your turn.
    • Do not drive into handicapped parking areas to drop off or pick-up children unless you display a legal handicapped placard or license.
    • Please follow the instructions of school staff in the parking lot.
    • Please refrain from using your cell phone while in the parking lot. Accidents happen so quickly when distracted by phones. Help keep our Roadrunners safe!



    • Do not park in staff parking. These are reserved for our teachers and staff.
    • If you need to leave your vehicle it must be parked in a parking space (in the parking lot) or along the curb on the street. Watch signs for street cleaning days.



    • Wait outside the gate or by the office until your child comes out.  
    • Dogs are not permitted on campus, which includes the area outside of the gate.
    • Younger siblings should wait in front of the school where there is supervision.
    • Cross streets at crosswalks ONLY.


    The traffic flows very quickly and smoothly through our driveway when these rules are followed.  Please drop off and pick-up your children in a manner and place that will help to ensure everyone’s safety.  Thank you very much for consistently adhering to these procedures to help keep our school safe for all students.



    Mrs. Kwon, Principal