Page Navigation
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Parent/Student Request for Support
- Behavior Flow Chart
- Minor Major Behavior Flow Chart
- Expectations by Location
- Expectation by Routine
- Tiered Fidelity Inventory Results
- Second Step: Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum
- Community Feedback Form
- CA Dashboard performance data and TFI Data
Woodcrest Junior High School implements an initiative known as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). At our school we say, “Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Safe.” Look for posters around campus that define examples of being respectful, responsible and safe in each area of our campus.
Frequently, the question is asked, “Why should we have to teach students to follow the rules? They already know what they are supposed to do. Why can we not just expect good behavior?”
In the past, school discipline has focused mainly on reacting to specific student misbehavior by implementing punishment-based strategies including reprimands, loss of privileges, office referrals, and suspensions. Research has shown that the use of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently is ineffective.
Defining, teaching, and reinforcing the behavior we do want to see is a more effective way to ensure that all students understand our behavior expectations, and will help our whole school function smoothly. Our goal is to create a positive, structured and predictable environment within which all our students can thrive.
Parents can keep teaching the values of Respectful and Responsible and Safe at home to support PBIS.
- Use PBIS language at home when talking about school.
● What does Peaceful look like in the hallways?
● Ask your children how they demonstrate the expectations at school on any given day.
● How does it look to be peaceful at the dinner table?
● How do we show understanding in our family when we disagree about something?
● How are we respectful to each other in our home
- Use PBIS language at home when talking about school.