

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Lee

My name is Timothy Lee and I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona in mathematics. During my free time I enjoy playing sports and video games. If willing, I believe everyone can succeed in math. I hope to teach my students to enjoy math and the importance of challenging themselves. I am honored to be your 8th grade math teacher. 

Student Needs More Help? 

Please email me to set up a tutoring session

  • Absent?!

    **All work will be posted on One Note** 

    Here is How to Find Warm-Up/Notes/Homework

    1. On the left side, select the period at which your child is taking math
    2. Select the tab in whichever week you are searching for
    3. Lastly, select the correct date, WU, Notes, or HW

    Here is How to Find the Syllabus

    1. On the left side, select the period at which your child is taking math
    2. Select the syllabus tab

    Here is How to Find the Lesson Plan (generic plan for the month)

    1. On the left side, select the period which your child is taking math
    2. Select the Lesson Plan tab
    3. Lastly, select the month you are searching for

Example of Step 1: Select correct period

Step 1

Example of Step 2: Select a tab

Step 2

Example of Step 3: Select a specific date

Step 3