• Parents and Guardians,

    We will be having our first EL Meeting on Thursday, August 29th at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom and in person in the Office conference room If you have any questions, please let me know. The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent out prior to the meeting.


    Agenda for our ELAC Parents Meeting



    Chino Valley Unified School District

    School Name: Glenmeade

    English Learner Parent Meeting



      1. Welcome to our English Learner Parent Meeting


      1. Agenda Items:
        1. What every EL parent needs to know (Identification, placement, SEI)
        2. Purpose and role of ELAC & DELAC
        3. Election of ELAC
        4. Election of DELAC representative
        5. ELAC & DELAC Dates
        6. Summary of ELPAC scores
        7. Students eligible for reclassification and reclassification ceremony date
        8. Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)


      1. Unfinished Business
      1. New Business
        1. Recommendations to SSC


      1. Public comments for items not on the agenda
      2. Upcoming Events:
        1. Next ELAC Meeting:
        2. Next DELAC Meeting: 10/8/24 (9:00am-11am) at the 

    Family Engagement Center (FEC) in Room 25

      1. Adjournment

    Topics covered at this meeting


    Election of ELAC members by parents or guardians of English learners.


    Training and training materials to assist members in carrying out their legal responsibilities.


    Election of a DELAC member


    Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance


    Assist in development of school-wide needs assessment


    Advise principal/staff in development of site plan for ELs (submit to SSC for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan for Student Achievement)