• Classroom Matrix ARRIVAL/ DISMISSAL USE OF TECHNOLOGY WHOLE CLASS/ GROUP WORK INDEPENDENT WORK ASSESSMENTS BE RESPECTFUL Calmly enter the room. Be mindful of personal space when entering/ exiting. Walk into the classroom quietly and orderly. I-Jse positive language. Sit at assigned seat. Ask permission to leave your seat Wait for teacher dismissal. Walk out of classroom when teacher dismisses Pick up all trash and materials. l_Jse polite & academic language in emails. Always include full name/class period in emails. Only use websites allowed by teacher. Devices should be turned off and in backpack. Stay focused on class work assigned Appropriate use of Lenovo at all times Allow peers to express opinions. Use appropriate language when discussing. Raise your hand and speak when it is your turn Listen to and respect everyone's point Of view Stay on topic/focused One person speaks at a time Stay on assigned classroom task. Complete your own work. Ask for assistance if questions arise. Stay in assigned seat. Maintain academic integrity. Use academic language. Remain quiet and avoid speaking until all exams are turned in. After the exams, follow teacher directions. Maintain academic integrity, do your own work. BE RESPONSIBLE • • • • • • • • • • • • • Be on time. Be ready to work when bell nngs. Have all necessary work and materials out Place Cell Phone in backpack turned off. Take all personal belongings. Pick up all trash and materials. Charge Lenovo nightly at home. Bring Lenovo and charger daily. Place all electronics on silent. Place cell phones in backpack turned off, no texting, no video recording, no posting. Stay on task and only use websites allowed by the instructor. Be an active participant. Complete assigned role in group activity. Be an active listener and learner. Participate / ask questions. Use materials appropriately. Have work done by due date. Be prepared to participate & contribute. Stay focused and on task. Utilize allotted class time appropriately. Listen to/read directiors pricr to beginning activity. Complete your own work. Budget your time. Stay focused on the task. Ask teacher if you need clarification. Turn in by due date & time. Follow teacher. instructions/read directions carefully. Place all notes/papers/phones in backpacks prior to exams. Keep backpacks closed throughout exam. Do your best work. Maintain academic integrity Budget time. • • • • • • BE SAFE Walk in an orderly fashion. Place backpacks away from walkways. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Be mindful of personal space. Wash/sanitize hands when needed Move with the flow of traffic. If you see something, say something Keep personal information private (online passwords). Click only on trustworthy links/sites. Think twice before posting. Notify teacher of any unauthorized use. If you see something, say something. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Ask for assistance when needed If you see something, say something. Stay in your assigned area unless otherwise directed. Use materials appropriately. Keep hands, feet, and Objects to yourself. Be mindful Of personal space. Maintain academic integrity. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Be mindful of personal space. Maintain academic integrity.