Phone: 9099233455 ext. 6410
Degrees and Certifications:
BA in Fine Art with a concentration in Drawing and Painting Single Subject Credential in Art
Ms. Bianca Wong
Hello and welcome! I am the new Art Teacher here at Woodcrest Jr High. This year students will learn a variety of art-making techniques, experiment with different mediums, and dive into the perspectives of famous artists throughout history. If you haven't had much experience with art, no worries! This is where everyone begins their journey. I am so excited to see what you all create.
I also teach Study Skills and ASB! Please, use the tabs to the left to access information regarding those classes.
Students are expected to be respectful, responsible, and safe in the classroom at all times. At the beginning of the year, each student signed the Student Agreement, committing to meeting these expectations. If students breach this contract, they are subject to my Three Strike Rule. Students have three opportunities to correct behavior before receiving a Low Level Referral. Low Level Referrals stay on record until the end of the year. After receiving three Low Level Referrals, disruptive students will receive a High Level Referral and admin will step in for corrective action.
Grading is cumulative. Each assignment is given a point value and at the end of each grading period, assigned points are totaled for a final grade.
To achieve a passing grade in Art, all assignments must be submitted by the due date. Latework will be accepted until the end of the unit, but will suffer a significant point loss. A few major assignments will not be accepted late and students will be informed of each assignment this applies to.
If a student is absent, they have one week to submit the missing work before significant point loss. Keep in mind, when a student misses a project work day, that time will be lost.
I will NOT be grading students on how great of an artist they are. Students will be graded on their efforts, and I promise that it will lead to a noticeable growth in their technical skills.
All art making will be done in class and homework will be kept at a minimum.
It is the expectation that all work will be quality work. Students must be committed to improving their skills and this will reflect in the artwork they create.
Making art can be a very messy process. To minimize the mess, strict cleaning routines must be followed and are a vital part of daily classwork.
Students are expected to bring the following materials to class every day.
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Charged School Computer
- Sketchbook (optional, but recommended)