• speech

    Speech services will be provided regularly to all students in the program starting early September.  Depending on individual goals and objectives, homework will be sent on a weekly basis.  Homework assignments help students to review skills learned in therapy to promote generalization.  These short assignments should be brought back to school with a parent/helper signature/initials.  Five to ten minute practice is the time estimated to complete weekly practice. 

    Please fell free to contact the school if you have questions about the program or want to find out about your youngster's progress.
     Earbuds Listen to Your Buds Website

    As iPod or MP3 use among children grows at an unprecedented rate fueling concerns that many are using the technology unsafely, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA) Listen to Your Buds website http://www.listentoyourbuds.org/ aims at empowering parents and protecting children from noise-induced hearing loss and other communication difficulties.