• Syllabus CS Discoveries



    Computers Syllabus

    Teacher Contact Information

    EMAIL:   timothy_yurk@chino.k12.ca.us           PHONE:   909-923-3455 x - 6404


    Course Description

    • In the CS Discoveries class, students will be expected to type in class for 10 minutes each day using the website typing.com. Typing tests will be given every 6 weeks.  Students will learn about internet safety and how to use the internet for research. They will learn the parts of the computer and what is their function.  They will also do coding through the website code.org.  Topics to be covered in coding will be web design, animations, and designing simple programs.


    Suggested Materials

    • Computer and charger

    • Agenda

    • Pencil/pen



    Classroom Guidelines

    • Arrive to class meeting on time ready to work

    • Show respect for yourself and others

    • Ask for Help & Ask Questions!!!

    • Utilize resources and time efficiently & properly.

    • Listen carefully & follow directions.

    • DO YOUR BEST! Work hard, stay focused & be nice.

    • Accept responsibility for your work, your decisions, and your actions!

    • Be good listeners when others are speaking.

    • Work cooperatively & honestly with classmates & school staff.



    Every day is important! Your success in this course is directly related to how often you are present. Students are expected to log in on time and spend the entire class time online.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work and notes that you missed. Your teacher will not remind you to make up assignments. If you miss any class the day before a test and return the day of the test, you will be expected to take the test as scheduled.  It is the student’s responsibility to request and schedule any make up tests.




    Woodcrest JHS has implemented the PBIS (Positive Behavior Support) program for student discipline. The PBIS program works to reward students that are making Positive Behavioral choices. Students are receiving instructions specific to behaviors in an effort to inform them of the expectations. We ask for your support as we continue to make Woodcrest JHS focused on high expectations for learning and behavior! By following the three basic principles, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe, students can easily avoid problems and be successful on our campus. Students are expected to demonstrate the appropriate behaviors at all times on campus, at school activities, and to and from school.


    • Effective use of class time

    • Turning in classwork/homework

    • Projects

    • Tests and quizzes

    Grading Scale

    90% - 100% = A

    80% - 89%   = B

    70% - 79%   = C

    60% - 69%   = D

      0% - 59%   = F



    Classwork – 30%


    Projects – 30%

    Tests – 40%


    Turning in Work:

    All work will be completed on the computer.  Students will turn in work either through their Microsoft Teams notebook or through Code.org.


    Late Work: 

    Late work may be turned in until the end of the grading period for full credit. Once the assignment due date has passed, all missing work is recorded as “Zeros” (no credit) until the work is turned in. When you turn in late work, it is your responsibility to let me know by filling out a “late work” form and turning that in to me.  Do not abuse this policy!!



    I can be reached either by email at timothy_yurk@chino.k12.ca.us or by calling the school.