
    Welcome to Mr. Mehaffie's Physical Education Classroom



     Teacher Contact information:  


    (909)627-9144 Ext. 7523


    If you are absent from my class due to illness or quarantine, you can make up your missing activities by filling out your agenda for each day you are absent.  Students will be expected to complete 40 minutes of physical activity at home on their own. They will then write the activity they completed in their agenda for each day absent. This will make up for their participation points for the day they missed. Parent signature is required for credit.  

    If you have any questions please reach out to me at james_mehaffie@chino.k12.ca.us
    Thank you,  
    Mr. Mehaffie


    I am committed to  responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.


    All Class items can be found by clicking the tabs on the left, including the Class Syllabus.


    Goals in Physical Education

    1. Develop physical fitness and wellness.
    2. Develop social interaction by emphasizing teamwork, cooperation, and fair play.
    3. Develop interest in movement patterns that are essential for lifelong participation in physical activity.
    4. Achieve the highest level of performance through the application of knowledge, movement, performance, and experiences.

    Weekly Schedule

    • Monday:           Sports Activity
    • Tuesday:          Sports Activity
    • Wednesday:      PACER Run 
    • Thursday:         Conditioning
    • Friday:             Cross Country


    • All grades will be updated regularly.  Grades can be viewed online on AERIES portal.   




    Parents and Students, please check the Announcements page frequently for the most up to date information for all classes.