• Classlink and Email Access

    This ClassLink Access page is required for all CVUSD teacher websites. Setting up this ClassLink Access page will allow students to click the page name in the left column of any teacher page and land on the CVUSD ClassLink login page. Students all have a District Email app on their ClassLink page.


    1. Select New Page
    2. Page Name is "ClassLink and Email Access"
    3. Choose "Blank Page" type
    4. "Save & Exit"
    5. Tap on "Actions" button to the right of the page name
    6. Choose "Page Options"
    7. Copy this address using highlight-then-Control and C keys: https:// launchpad.classlink.com/chino
    8. Click inside the "Map Page to Web Address" box and use the Control and V keys to paste web address
    9. "Save"
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