To ACCESS my class:

    1) Ideally, use your student's Chromebook.

    2) Log into their Classlink account.

    3) Click on their math class titled, "Barrett--per ?".

    4) Click on the link at the top left of the screen during their designated period and time. It will say, "Meet Link".





    Integrated Math I - 2021-22 School Year Information

    Teacher: Jack Barrett



    I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning students and parents/guardians of Magnolia Junior High and my classroom. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with our students this year as they learn the concepts and standards of Integrated Math I.


    As you may be aware, this is honors math, without the distinction on your student’s schedule. We are using the same textbook from McGraw Hill that is used at the high schools.  My main goal is to challenge your student in class and at home. This class will work at a fast pace as there are many lessons to cover and keep in mind, many of the students in this class are enrolled in Honors Integrated Math II as freshmen, next year.


    Integrated Math I students are expected to maintain a C or higher, each trimester. A student earning a grade below a C, may be moved to Math 8 at the end of the first or second trimester. Students earning below a B in third trimester, will not be recommended for Integrated Math II Honors for the 9th Grade.


    Please review the attached information with your student and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you have as we kick off the school year.



    Assignments should be expected daily. Some days, students will have time to start the homework in class. The homework practice is meant to give students an idea of what they will be tested on.  An assignment is considered complete when all problems have been done and the necessary steps to complete each problem are clearly shown. Homework will only be accepted for credit if it is turned in within one or two days of its due date. If late, partial credit will be given. Note: Students will not be allowed to retake a test unless all assignments from that unit have been completed, for credit (full or partial) or not.



    Grading will be based on the following.  Also shown is the weighted average on the final grade of each component:

                - Tests – 75%

          - Homework/Classwork/Participation – 25%



    Please know that I am regularly available before and after school for additional support of the curriculum.  Please encourage your students to come and see me if they are in need of any help.  I encourage communication among all of us to enhance student success in my class.  If a parent email is provided, please expect a Student Progress Report sent regularly.

    Also, please sign up for the Aeries Parent Portal and download the app to have real time grades of your students including the ability to see if any/all assignments have been turned in. Students, you can get the app, too!!!


    To contact me directly:


    1. *email*jack_barrett@chino.k12.ca.us (best way to reach me for quick response)
    2. Leave a message with the school. (909) 627-9263 x.7329



    I follow the Magnolia progressive discipline procedures outlined the student agenda.



    Grade 8 Math - 2021-22 School Year Information

    Teacher: Jack Barrett



    I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning students and parents/guardians of Magnolia Junior High and to my classroom. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with our students this year as they learn the concepts and standards of Grade 8 Math. As always, I’m hoping to see my students grow and improve in their critical mathematics thinking, and like anything else, it’s going to take effort from everyone to see results. Please take a few minutes to read through this letter to be aware of the classroom policies and information for the 2021-22 school year.



    Your student is expected to complete all assignments in class whether it be lesson notes, group work and/or group projects. Additionally, homework will be assigned most days. All assignments are expected to be complete (complete: all problems done with necessary work shown for each) once turned in. Most assignments are graded based on effort, not necessarily whether or not it is 100% correct. Late work is accepted for reduced credit. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DAY OF THE UNIT TEST.



    Grading will be based on the following.  Also shown is the weighted average on the final grade of each component:

                - Tests – 75%

          - Homework/Classwork/Participation – 25%


    Class Materials:

    The following is a list of highly suggested items students should bring to class each day (not including a pencil and eraserJ).

    • Spiral notebook for class notes
    • Loose paper for homework
    • *****Scientific Calculator (around $7 - $10 at Target/Walmart) *****
    • *****6 or 12-inch ruler *****
    • *****Graph paper (80+ sheets)*****



    Please know that I regularly make myself available to students before and after school for additional support of the curriculum.  Please encourage your students to come and see me if they need any help.  I encourage communication among all of us to enhance student success in my class.  Also, if a parent email is provided, please expect a Student Progress Report sent regularly.

    Also, please sign up for the Aeries Parent Portal and download the app to have real time grades of your students including the ability to see if any/all assignments have been turned in.

    IMPORTANT: Parents, if you signed up for Aeries Parent Portal last year, you will have to sign up again.



    I follow the Magnolia progressive discipline procedures outlined the student agenda. In addition, I will be keeping a discipline file in class as incidents occur throughout the year.



    1. *email*jack_barrett@chino.k12.ca.us (best way to reach me for quick response)
    2. Leave a message with the school. (909) 627-9263 x:7329



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