• How to check your school email account

    Minions Email

    Hello Magnolia Mustangs!


    There are 2 ways to check your school email account... By logging into ClassLink or by logging into Office 365. Please read the directions below that will show you how to log on to both options...


    Option #1 - Log into your ClassLink account to check your email:


    1). Go to the STUDENTS section of the Magnolia website and click on ClassLink (see example image below).


    STUDENT Section of Website  

    2). Log in to ClassLink with the same login you would use to log into a school computer. Your parents were emailed all of your school logins a few days before the 1st day of school.

     ClassLink Login

    3). Once you're logged in to your ClassLink account, look for an icon named "District Email (Grades 4-12)," (see example image below) click on that icon and it will take you to your email log in page. You will only need to log in once and it will save your log in info for future use. Your username is your email address (####@stu.chino.k12.ca.us) and your password is the first letter of your first name capitalized, the first letter of your last name lower case, and the 5 last numbers of your permanenet student ID #. This will take you to your school email account. Make sure to check your email at least once a day because this is how your teachers and other school staff will contact you.

     Email Icon


    Option #2 - Log into your Office 365 account to check your email:

    1). Go to the STUDENTS section of the Magnolia website and click on Office 365 (see example image below).

     STUDENTS section

    2). Log in to Office 365. Your username is your school email address (*****@stu.chino.k12.ca.us) and your password is the first letter of your first name capitalized, the first letter of your last name lower case, and the 5 last numbers of your permanenet student ID #. Your parents were emailed all of your school logins a few days before the 1st day of school. Once you're logged in to Office 365 you will see the following icons (see image below).

    Office 365 Homepage

    3). Click on the "Outlook" icon (see image above) and that will take you to your school email account. Make sure to check your email at least once a day because this is how your teachers and other school staff will contact you.


    Hope this information was helpful! 


    Have a great school year! :)