Magnolia MUSIC
Posted by Sean Jenkins on 2/12/2025ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!
The FEBRUARY 2025 PARENT MEETING will be on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 12, at 7:00 pm in the MPR.
- Schedules, ordering, and other group information will be discussed. Information about upcoming performances will be shared.
- We will discuss Colorguard Shows and Concert Festival information.
- Please plan on attending.
2024-2025 Tentative Dates for BAND and COLORGUARD are HERE
- 2025 Concert Festival Dates: 3/7 (Bonita PAC); 3/20 (RCC PAC)
- 2025 Guard Show Dates: 2/15 (UPDATED*UPLAND HS*); 2/22 (Rancho Cucamonga HS); 3/8 (Pacifica HS); 3/22 (Etiwanda HS); 4/5 (Santiago HS); 4/12 (WGASC Championships)
The most recent schedule (2025-02-12) may be downloaded by clicking HERE
The 2025 Colorguard Show List and Field Trip in pdf form can be downloaded HERE
The information letter for the UPLAND COLORGUARD show can be downloaded HERE
2024-2025 Recruitment: For anyone wishing to join our program, please fill out the survey at the link HERE
- Anyone wishing to join the Colorguard: We will have another round of clinics at the beginning of school in August.
Afterschool Rehearsals for BAND
- AFTERSCHOOL REHEARSALS will begin on 8/12 (second week of school).
- Rehearsals are on Mondays and Wednesdays, and begin at 3:15 and will end at 5:15.
- ALL BAND students (Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion) are required to be there in order to be eligible to perform.
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please contact Mr. Jenkins about any questions or possible conflicts at
A pdf file of the current (2024-08-12*UPDATED*) calendar may be found by clicking HERE
A pdf of the 2023-2024 (2024-2025 is coming soon) Parent Information Packet may be found by clicking HERE
Please fill out any forms and send them to school with your student. Please direct any questions to Mr. Jenkins at
After-school practice schedule:
BAND: Monday and Wednesday, 3:15-5:15 pm, in the MPR
Colorguard: Mondays (5:30-7:30), Thursdays 3:30-5:30 pm(in the MPR)
Band and Guard shirts may be purchased at a cost of $15. Sweatshirts may be purchased at a cost of $25. Please send payment in an envelope with the name of the student and the size of the shirt/sweatshirt written on it. All sizes are adult. It will be placed in the booster lock box and the student will receive their shirt.
Please watch our promotional video, showing some of the things we do throughout the year, including visiting the USC Band. Click HERE to view.
The Chino HS 77th Cavalry had a great season in 2021 and again in 2022, ending with back-to-back GOLD medals at the SCSBOA Championships. Enjoy this video showing some of the highlights of their 2021 Championship season. Click HERE to view.
Please contact me at for more information on our program.
Join our 'Magnolia JHS Band and Colorguard' group on the BAND app, click HERE
To join the separate 'Magnolia JHS Colorguard' group on the BAND app, click HERE
COLORGUARD families may order extra equipment here: Peacock's Marching World
*Rifles are 36" with Silver Bolt and White Leather Strap.
All are welcome, no experience necessary!
Band information flyer is (HERE).
ALL PICTURES AND VIDEOS OF OUR GROUPS ARE APPRECIATED! PLEASE SEND THEM IN VIA DISC OR FLASH DRIVE. You may also post them to a Google Drive and share the link with me at
Please contact Mr. Jenkins ( for any questions or concerns.
Alumni may register for our database by clicking HERE
SUMMER CONTENT for Band and Colorguard is on Google Classroom. The invite link is HERE
- Information and material will be posted throughout the summer.
- Exercises and music. Get a head start on the beginning of school.

Phone: 909-627-9263 x7333
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Music: Music Education University of Southern California, 1996 Master of Music Education University of Southern California, 2007 Single Subject Teaching Credential in Music (SDAIE+CLAD), University of Southern California
Mr. Sean R. Jenkins
Mr. Jenkins has been the Director of Music at Magnolia JHS since the fall of 2002. Before that, he assisted the previous director Mr. Perry A. Hall from 1992 until the spring of 2002. His duties included brass and marching instruction. Since 1992, the Magnolia Music program has developed a reputation for musicianship and performance at a standard well above their grade level. This is a tradition that has continued under the direction of Mr. Jenkins with ensembles consistently earning high marks and superior ratings at concert festivals.
Mr. Jenkins received his training at the University of Southern California, earning a B.M. in Music Education in 1996, Single Subject Teaching Credential in Music (with SDAIE and CLAD), and a Master of Music Education in 2007. He has been working on a Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Education at the University of Southern California.
While at the University of Southern California as an undergraduate student, Mr. Jenkins participated in the Trojan Marching Band. He performed as a member of the Tuba section in addition to being selected as the Drum Major for three seasons. In 2002, he was asked to return part-time to the Trojan Marching Band as a Teaching Assistant in the Tuba section. Since then his responsibilities have expanded to assisting in the writing and instruction of drill for halftime shows.