Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Taylor-Chovan
Mrs. Taylor received her degree in Kinesiology (pre-med) from Cal Poly Pomona and her Masters in Education at Grand Canyon University. Mrs. Taylor received her teaching credential for Biology and P.E. from Cal Poly Pomona. Mrs. Taylor has been teaching science since 2004. She started teaching science in the Colton district and added Varsity Dance at the high school to her repertoire for two years. Mrs. Taylor received her GATE certificate in 2019. Mrs. Taylor's husband still teaches in the Colton district as a AP History teacher, and they have 3 kids, (two who have 504's). She is also a certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist and has started competing in Spartan races. Mrs. Taylor has traveled to other countries, like Mexico, Canada, France, Ireland, China, and England. Someday she hopes to go on a safari tour in Africa. Mrs. Taylor loves Starbucks, Target,, the color blue, cats and horses, reading, going out to the movies, camping, spending time with her family and learning how the brain works to increase learning and processing.
Here we will focus on PRIDE (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Self-Discipline, and Empathy), all great skills needed to be successful in high school and beyond. “Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.” It's hard not to clear every obstacle in our children's path so they can be happy now - getting what they want, when they want it. But when we clear the road for a child, we make their life too easy. We don't allow them to build life-coping skills they'll need down the road to handle life's hard realities. Kari Kampakis.
Accessing & Submitting Assignments (for absences and daily work)
Check the STREAM page on Google Classroom for the weekly agenda. See the attached picture for an example.
Suggested Supplies
To avoid sharing supplies, here are suggested materials needed for the school year:
- Chromebook
- pens/pencils
- paper
- colored pencils
For security reasons, please visit your Google classroom for the link. Ask the teacher for the class code to be added to the classroom.
Email me at for questions regarding assignments, grades, and other classroom related concerns.
I will respond/acknowledge student and parent emails within 24 hours during contract hours (8:30 AM-3:30 PM)
If you do not hear back from me in 48 hours, please re-send your message or leave me a message at school.
How is work submitted?
Platforms will include google classroom, Flip Grid, Kami, Wakelet, Edpuzzle, Newsela etc. The teacher will provide tutorials for students on how to use these platforms. All platforms and links will be found through student’s google classroom. Assignments are due the same day they are assigned by midnight, unless otherwise stated.
What is the learning expectation?
Students attend their class online, turn in work by the due date, ask questions when they need clarification, complete the attendance assignments on days they are not in class, and prepare in advance for class days by having their notes and school supplies available. Announcements are on the Stream page in Google classrooms.
How will teacher feedback be given?
The teacher will grade and return work within a timely manner. If there is feedback needed about an assignment, the teacher will return the assignment with a question attached to the assignment. Students need to click on the arrow in the assignment on the right to read the comments and should make changes before re-submitting.
What is the policy regarding cheating and plagiarism?
There is zero tolerance for cheating and plagiarism. Students will receive a zero on their assignment for copying other people’s work OR knowingly permitting another student to copy their work. Any talking/communicating during testing time will automatically result in a zero on the test, regardless of the topic or situation. Copying whole sentences, copying/ pasting ideas from a website to a student's work, copying another student’s work are examples of plagiarism. Since distance learning is all online, it is very important that the teacher and parent both go over how these are not acceptable ways to complete work.