• cap and diploma
    Academic Resources
    We have Math & Language Arts After School Intervention Classes and a Homework Club to help students improve their grades/GPA. If you'd like to sign up your student for these programs, please contact Mrs. Guillen at 909-627-9263 or email her at diane_guillen@chino.k12.ca.us.
    GPA FlyerThis flyer explains how you can calculate your GPA.
    GPA Breakdown Flyer - This flyer have a table with all the possible GPAs.
    Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free. A nonprofit organization with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
    A better way to study with digital flashcards! Quizlet makes it simple to create your own digital flashcards, study those of a classmate, or search our archive of millions of flashcard decks from other students.
    ACT - American College Testing
    The ACT is a college entrance exam that high school students take in order to get accepted into college. The test has four sections; English, mathematics, reading, and science. There is also an ACT writing test. Most students in California take the SAT not the ACT.
    Click here to read a guide with all the information you'll need to know about taking the ACT.
    California State Universities
    This is the website for the 23 universities in the California State University (Cal State/CSU) system, i.e. Cal State San Bernardino, Cal State Los Angeles, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Northridge, etc.
    This website provides a summary of the requirements for all types of colleges and offers many resources for picking a college. You can also check out www.CaliforniaColleges.edu for information on colleges only in California.
    This website provides info and advice on the many options students have to reduce the cost of their degree, and to offer a fresh analysis of which colleges are doing the most to make high-quality education affordable.
    FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
    The FAFSA is an application that high school students fill out in order to receive financial help to go to college.
    The PSAT 8/9 is the first exam in the College Board's "SAT Suite of Assessments" and is offered to eighth and ninth graders. The purpose of the PSAT 8/9 is to establish a starting point in terms of college and career readiness as students transition to high school. Magnolia offers the PSAT 8/9 to all of our 8th grade students in the winter (fee of charge). Click here to take an at-home practice PSAT test.
    SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test
    The SAT is a college entrance exam that high school students have to take to get accepted into college. The test has three parts: reading, writing, and mathematics. There are also SAT subjects tests with test your knowledge in specific subjects, i.e. language arts, math, science, history, and foreign languages.
    Universities of California
    This is the website for the 10 colleges in the University of California (UC) system -- UCLA,
    UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Merced, & UC San Francisco.