To log into our Google Classroom, please do so through Class Link.
DAILY SCHEDULE~ Please see the In Person Learning Syllabus attached below for our daily schedule. All needed times and information is listed in that document.
Contact Information~ cori_cuadras@chino.k12.ca.us
or text District Phone~ (909) 313-9057
Updated Syllabus~ Syllabus
(ALL information regarding attendance, assignments, activities, assessments, schedule and feedback is contained in the In Person Learning Syllabus link above.)
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS- Please see the following attachments.
Classroom Expectations- PBIS Matrix
ABC of Class Expectations for In Person Learning
Speech and Language Services: Please see Mrs. Woolery's Class Page listed under Woolery, Debi, for speech services information, assignments and further information. Mrs. Woolery will be available by email at debi_woolery@chino.k12.ca.us. Families and students can access speech related resources through the Special Ed. district website.
Occupational Therapy Services: Mrs. Park will be available by email at jakyung_park@chino.k12.ca.us. Families and students can access OT related resources through the Special Ed. district website.
Adapted PE Services: Please see Mrs. Byrne's Class Page listed under Byrne, Leslie, for APE services information, assignments and further information. Mrs. Byrne will be available by email at leslie_byrne@chino.k12.ca.us. Families and students can access APE related resources through the Special Ed. district website.