AP College Board

How To Order AP Tests

  • Click on the brown link here for the AP test order form: AP Test Order Form.

    • According to counseling, you may download the form and print it out.  If you do not have a printer, blank forms will be available at the front office for you to pick up. 
    • You must be enrolled in each AP class on College Board to order a test.  If you are not, then you cannot purchase or take a test.  We enrolled together the first week of school; the vast majority of you are already registered for AP Enlgish Language and Composition.




    • Test ordering will begin Monday, Sept. 28th and run through Friday, Oct. 30th.  This gives students 5 weeks to get it done.   Any test ordered late will be charged an additional $40.00 late charge (per college board).
    • The cost of tests are: $95.00 normally, or $5.00 if student is on free/reduced lunch program.  Eligibility for F/R lunch will be verified.
    • Tests may be paid with cash or credit card (MC or VISA.  There is a 3% fee with a card).  Absolutely no checks.
    • Student must bring in completed test order form along with payment and turn into Ms. Myers at the student store.
    • Tests can be purchased Monday-Friday from 1:30pm – 3:00pm ONLY.
    • Students must check in at front office first for COVID protocol.
    • There are no refunds or transfer of tests.
    • Blank test order forms will also be available through the front office.
    • Right now, tests are scheduled to be in-person at Don Lugo.  However, depending on circumstances, that is subject to change.
    • For questions, students can call or email Mr. Finch at richard_finch@chino.k12.ca.us or at (909)951-3903 x4767