• National Honor Society
    Ryan Venegas & Ashley Mosqueda
    2022/2023 Advisors

  • The purpose of this organization is to invigorate a desire to serve the community, promote leadership, encourage responsible citizenship, create enthusiasm for scholarship, and to develop character. NHS focuses on building skills and relationships that will help members progress through later academic stages and beyond. Community service and involvement in school activities are encouraged as well as becoming and interacting with student leaders, starting to create a portfolio about your achievements, and learning how to be an effective leader. 

    Monthly meetings are TBD until after selection has been announced.

Membership Requirements

  • Membership in the National Honors Society (NHS) at Ruben S. Ayala High School is a privilege that is afforded to students who exemplify the Pillars of the National Honors Society: Character, Scholarship, Leadership and Service.  

    To be eligible for membership, candidates must: 

    • Be a member of Junior or Senior class

    • Have a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.75 or higher 

    • Be on the A-G track by the start of their 11th grade 

    • Be enrolled in at least One Honors or AP level course each year from 9th - 12th grade 

    • No D or F grade in any course

Service Requirements

    • Candidate must complete 40 hours of community service within the year. No more than 15 of those hours can be earned from another club or organization. 


    • Candidate will participate in one (1) group service project per year. These projects shall have the following characteristics: 

      • Fulfill a need within the school or community 

      • Have the support of the administration and faculty 

      • Be appropriate and educationally defensible 

      • Be well planned, organized, and executed 

      • Be completed by the end of each membership year

2022/2023 NHS Officers

  • President: Olivia Mendoza 

    Senior Vice President: Clement Liu

    Junior Vice President: TBD

    Senior Secretary: Carol Nasr

    Junior Secretary: TBD

    Treasurer: Samuel Jeyapaul

    Public Relations Coordinator: Katie Cheng

    Event Manager: Gabrielle Torres

    UCC Rep: TBD