Student Support Services
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- Notice to Parents/Students on Bullying
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- Transfer Forms / Transfer Options / Enrollment Priorites
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Involuntary Transfers
The District desires to enroll students in the school of their choice but recognizes that circumstances sometimes necessitate the involuntary transfer of some students to another school or program in the district. Whenever a student is involuntarily transferred, the District shall provide timely written notification to the student and his/her parent/guardian and given an opportunity for the student and parent/guardian to meet with site administration to discuss the transfer. (BP 5116.2)
- A student may be transferred to another district school if he/she is convicted of a violent felony, as defined in PC 667.5(c), or a misdemeanor listed in PC 29805 and is enrolled at the same school as the victim of the crime for which he/she was convicted.
- If a high school student commits an act enumerated in EC 48900, or is habitually truant or irregular in school attendance, he/she may be transferred to a continuation school.
- If the student is expelled from school for any reason, is probation-referred pursuant to WIC 300 or 602, or is referred by a School Attendance Review Board (SARB), or another formal district process, he/she may be transferred to a community day school.