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Purchasing Department
Kathy Casino, DirectorThe goal of the Purchasing Department is to provide outstanding service to our customers.
We accomplish this by:- Ensuring a cooperative effort between buyers and suppliers
- Providing a fair opportunity for all vendors
- Being receptive to new ideas and purchasing concepts
Purchases made in the name of the District without an authorized purchase order shall be considered the financial responsibility of the person making the purchase, not the obligation of the District.
The Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education has adopted a centralized purchasing concept whereby the District will maintain an actively competitive attitude to obtain the best combination of product, quality merchandise, price and service (Board Policy 3310). To access Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, go to Board Policies.
The Purchasing Department, in coordination with other departments and school sites, will establish standard specifications to meet the needs of the District.
The Purchasing Department conducts all purchasing transactions for the District. Under law, the Board of Education has the sole responsibility for all purchases and contracts of the District. This responsibility cannot be delegated.