• Student/Field Travel Form Information


    Principals, secretaries, athletic and activity directors - when submitting a Student/Field Trip/Travel form, please remember:


    Board Policy and Administrative Regulations 6153 requires driver information from parents who will be transporting students in their private vehicles to and from activities.


    The following driver information must be attached with the student/field travel form at the time it is submitted to Risk Management:


    • Driver/owner provides Risk Management with proof of insurance.
    • Driver/owner provides Risk Management with D.M.V. driver's record search.
    • Signed parental consent form - by which parent/guardian gives approval for student to ride in a specific private vehicle (Form CVUSD 68O R-91).


    Parents transporting solely their own children are exempt from furnishing the above information. They must, however, complete a parent driver agreement form (Form CVUSD 1465RM-07/2009) (refer to BP/AR 3541.and Flow Chart) annually. The form needs to be submitted to the site, which will be responsible for forwarding a copy to Risk Management. 

    The required driver information is pertinent for board approval, if the information is not included with the student/field travel form, it will be considered  incomplete, causing the event to be retracted.

    For assistance please contact Risk Management at extension 1303

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