• What are the benefits to Electronic Student Score Reports for CAASPP and ELPAC?  


    Convenient—Now families will be able to securely access current and historical electronic Student Score Reports by smartphone, tablet, or computer through the district’s parent portal. Receiving a child’s test results will no longer rely on a one-time mailing that may or may not reach the family.  

    Prompt—Families will have earlier access to their child’s electronic Student Score Report. In past years, families had to wait for the paper version of the Student Score Report to arrive in the mail.  

    Efficient—The district costs associated with shipping, such as postage and staff time to package and mail paper Student Score Reports, will be greatly reduced or eliminated.   

    Engaging—Electronic Student Score Reports promotes the increased use of AERIES Parent Portal as part of a secure “one-stop shop” for families to access their child’s school information, such as assignments, test results, grades, and attendance records.   

    Accessible—The electronic Student Score Reports will be available in English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipino. In the future Student Score Reports will also be made available in other languages.  

    Contemporary—Because the electronic Student Score Reports are not limited to one sheet of paper, they provide a future opportunity to deliver more dynamic and detailed information about a student’s progress. 


    See below for more resources: