Marsh, Nathalie
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Syllabus for French 1, 2, 3 and AP and English Language Development
Welcome back to Class-the online edition. My teaching philosophy, that students learn language successfully by engaging in authentic conversations and by applying newly learned vocabulary and concepts, remains the same. In order to achieve this goal, the online classroom needs to remain a dynamic environment where students talk, sing and work by participating in tele-conference calls. In the virtual language classroom it is expected that students treat each other with courtesy. To this end it is important that students observe rules for productive participation.
- During any Lesson:
Be prepared for the lesson, respectful in your interactions, and involved in the activities and assignments.
- Virtual Learning: (Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Involved)
Tele-conferencing is the way we continue our debates, classroom discussions, and direct instruction.
Some changes are that vocabulary will now be taught primarily with Quizlet, links to specific vocabulary will be posted in your virtual classroom’s assignments. You will need to join the Quizlet classroom since the amount of practice you put into Quizlet and the mastery you achieve will generate a grade for vocabulary practice.
The Comprehensible Input Method also relies on Total Physical Response (guestures to reinforce and teach vocabulary) as well as Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling, so you will be viewing videos and reading text to learn and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures as well as producing movement to represent vocabulary and saying the vocabulary in response to movement-Which is FUN
We will have summative assessments on grammar, vocabulary and other content.
Quizlet live and Kahoots games (social-emotional learning) will help students review the new vocabulary and structures. Students will join Kahoots during our video-conference, regularly. This will also allow students to interact virtually with their peers.
In this new, challenging environment, students will be successful if they pay attention in class and partici- pate in all activities. Regular attendance and completion of work is absolutely necessary for your student to be successful. To this end, students will have daily assignments to be completed in Google Classroom. Attendance is mandatory during Distance Learning and will be monitored.
- Videoconference code of conduct:
When joining the video conference, please sign in with your name as I cannot admit you if you are not a registered student at Don Lugo and in my class.
Immediately mute your microphone.
Keep your microphone muted unless called on by the instructor.
Do not engage in side chat conversations online. Do use chat to ask and answer questions. Do not use personal electronic devices to engage in activities that distract from learning while on Meet.
Please keep your background the same. Changes made should be done after the call, not during instruction.
Raise your hand when you’d like to speak.
You have to use the video feature, do not wear disguises such as sunglasses, hoodies, masks, or other items and observe the school dress code.
Participate in the Meet call when you are able to be in one place. Moving around makes others dizzy and distracted.
Be sure that your location is free from distractions both room and living distractions (i.e. barking dogs, offensive posters, food courts, etc.).
It’s expected that you’ll listen to the Meet recordings at a later time, should you be unable to attend them live, this does not count for attendance. It’s expected that you have a working hotspot, computer, video camera, and microphone to engage in online learning. If you don’t please contact the CVUSD Technology department ASAP, so you have these items available. This is especially important when technology is broken, not optimal, or having to be shared among multiple people in your household. CVUSD has made it clear that ALL students in one household that attend CVUSD schools are eligible for their own technology and hotspot equipment.
- Submitting work
Google Classroom will be the portal through which your work will be submitted, Flipgrid will also be used for verbal/video submissions. Once you submit on Google Classroom, I will grade and you can see your grade. You can also check your grades on Aeries. I will communicate with you via Google Classroom and AERIES.
Cheating and plagiarism will result in a score of 0%. Your work needs to be your original work and not the work of a translation application. Please consult the student handbook for further clarification if needed.
I encourage parental interest and questions and to have transparency I will invite your guardians to our Google Classroom.
You can contact me via email at You can also message me directly on Google Classroom
- Virtual Office Hours
Please contact me to schedule individual conferences.
I will be available to teleconference Monday and Wednesday from 1:35 to 2:20 PM and Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30-8:15 AM and Fridays by appointment only.
At those times I can provide tutoring, answer questions you may have and talk to parents about any concerns and questions.
- Grade Breakdown
Participation, Classwork
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D*
59% - 50% = F*
*A grade of C or better is recommended for level 4 French and for college acceptance
Make-Up/ Late Work Policy
Students must submit work on the assigned date. Late submissions will not be accepted, this applies to Projects, and Classwork (as well as online exams) Students with an excused absence will have the number of days absent plus one to make up missing assignments.
- Course Description
- This is a rigorous college prep course which will require students to engage in French
through all four modalities; speaking, listening, reading, and writing. As such, the course
will focus on three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational.
III. Course Objectives/ Student Learning Outcomes
➢ Describe, narrate, and ask/answer questions in the target language in the present time about a variety of topics related to family, friends and daily activities per course textbook.
➢ Interpretive mode: students will use the target language to understand what is heard and read
➢ Interpersonal mode: students will use the target language to speak with another and write informally
➢ Presentational mode: students will speak in front of others and write formally
➢ Expand awareness and understanding of the target language culture.
➢ Understand and expand knowledge of how the target language functions.
- Standards to be Covered:
2009 World Language Content Standards for California Public Schools
Stages I/ II/III; →Content, Communication, Functions, Cultures, Structures, Settings