Welcome to Mr. Harper's Distance Learning Classroom
You should all have a link available through AERIES or Google Classroom. Please e-mail me if there are any issues, and I will get them taken care of.
I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.
Virtual Office Hours
These are hours which I will be available, live, on Google Meet, for questions regarding assignments, schedules, and other schoolwork concerns. Find the link for my Virtual Office hours in our Google Classroom, Classwork page, under the "Communications" heading
Day Time Subjects Tuesday 1:45-2:30 pm Intro to Tech Wednesday 7:30-8:15 am Intro to Tech Thursday 1:45-2:30 pm Intro to Tech Friday 7:30-8:15 am Intro to Tech♦
Class AccessWe will be using Google Classroom to post and submit Electronic assignments. Each student will receive an access code to enter the class that will be sent to your student email. If you have any difficulties email me, ASAP.
Parents and Students, please check the Announcements page frequently for the most up to date information for all classes.
- Syllabus: Wood Shop Syllabus
- Please check this page regularly for new assignments/tasks/challenges. Remember, this is an exploratory class, so it is NOT necessary nor expected that you complete each task perfectly.
- I will be asking you to use a 3D Modelling program such as FORM-Z or SketchUp. If you have access to another, please let me know via e-mail so I can ensure I can see your work. Here are links to those 2:
- Work can be submitted through e-mail
- Grades will be updated through AERIES