Explanation for READ180
This supplementary English class is designed for students who would benefit from additional support and guidance in Language Arts to promote a greater comprehension and proficiency in reading, writing, and grammar. The students selected for the Read 180 Intervention class have been placed here because of below standard CAASPP test scores, low Lexile reading levels, and/or recommended by teachers to need additional support to maximize high school, college, and career readiness.
At the end of each trimester student growth will be reviewed based on data collection. As students gain proficiency toward ELA standards and skills along with increased Lexile reading levels, they may have the opportunity to transition to another elective class.
- Raise Lexile reading score to “grade-level” (900L) or above.
- Use his/her knowledge of word origins and relationships to determine the meaning of words.
- Read and understand grade-level appropriate material; focus on informational text.
- Read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature.
- Compose clear, coherent, and focused writings that exhibit awareness of content, organization, audience and purpose.
- Write and speak with a command of Standard English language conventions (grammar, syntax, and punctuation).
- Deliver focused, coherent presentations that clearly convey and relate ideas to the background and interests of the audience.
The CCCSS for Language Arts and other content areas for all grade levels may be found at cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/finalelaccssstandards.pdf
The main instructional stratagem of this class compared to a core 7th-grade ELA classroom will be Read 180 Universal. Read 180 will assist in personalizing instruction to meet individual student needs. It provides face to face time with the teacher, small group learning and collaboration, digital supports with immediate feedback, skill instruction and reinforcements, diagnostic tools with real-time data, success in reading and writing, and teaches students to take ownership of learning; with the goal of “creating a growth-mindset” in your child.
It is my hope that your child demonstrates appropriate progress toward 7th grade ELA standards. Competency benchmarks that will be monitored are:
- Meeting 7th-grade CCCS ELA standards in his/her regular English class.
- Growth in Lexile reading level (>800L).
- Data collected from Read 180 periodic assessments and reports.
Explanation for READ180 Modules
READ180 modules are scored as students do their work, it is an “independent-study”-ish program. The reason for those “TmpExc” marks is because some students are ahead of others and I must include all scores in Aeries. The “TmpExc” means temporarily excused and they do NOT hurt anyone's grade - nor do they help them.
Some students have not been in my class long enough to have completed these modules, while others have decided not to, so the modules are waiting for them to complete them. All of these Read180 modules will be following each student into the 3rd-trimester, where (I hope) they will finish them thereby improving their overall grade in my class.