• October 2024

    Dear Students and Families,   

    Welcome to Fall! This is a great time to snuggle up with a good book and enjoy the beginning of cooler weather. Not sure what to read? Come see me and I can show you some wonderful options available in the Townsend Library. 

    The library is open daily from 8:30am - 3:45pm. Students can come in to check out books, work on homework and/or print out assignments with the computer lab. 
    It is important to remember that library books have a 2 week check-out period.  They must be returned or renewed after 2 weeks to avoid late fees. Check the inside cover where the due date is stamped to always be sure you are on time.  
    I am a big believer in the role reading plays in overall academic success. Please talk to me about what I have on our library shelves that might interest you! Learn to love reading now and you will see a positive difference in your academic career. 
    Feel free to send an email with any questions you may have.  I am here to help!
    All the best, 

    Mrs. Murray 



    Can't find a title in our Townsend Library? Sign up for a San Bernardino County Library card and you can have access to digital books & magazines and audiobooks!  See the links below for more information.    


    SB County Library card


    SB County Library eCard application:   https://sbclib.polarislibrary.com/polaris/custom/pages/sanbernardinouseragreement.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3


    SB County Library e-Content page: http://www.sbclib.org/ResearchandeContent.aspx