
     Angel game
    Mrs. Conetta-Lee
     English Language Arts
    ELA 7H
    ELD - Emerging
    ELD - Expanding
    AERIES Communications - Set your account to receive text messages and emails for immediate updates and messages
    Remind: Go to our Google Classroom for
    the Remind code 
    Virtual Office Hours for ELA Department
    Tuesday/Wednesday 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM Thursday/Friday 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM 
    Go to your Google Classroom Page, Go to Codes and Links, Click on Student Office Hours. You may also make an appointment via Aeries Communication, Email, or Remind.

    Welcome Back!

     Miss you all and hope you are doing well.  

    Welcome to Mrs. Conetta-Lee’s Distance Learning Classroom

    This year's theme is "Compassion and Understanding..."



    Most Recent Information

    Hello! I'm sure this year's "first day of school" is definitely filled with a little more jitters than usual. Don't worry, we are all in the same boat. I will do my best to make this as comfortable a transition as it can be for all of us. I want you to know, I understand that we are all experiencing different hurdles in our personal situations, so please don't worry if something doesn't work or connect the first week. We will figure this out together with compassion and grace! Before you know it, we'll run like a smooth engine! I want to reassure you that although we are entering the unknown, we will be fine together. 

    August 31st - Virtual Back to School Night 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM 

    Log onto Back to School night sessions by having your child log into Google Classroom and clicking on the class link and period you want to visit.

                           Period 1 5:30 - 5:45     Period 3 6:20 - 6:35     Period 5 7:10 - 7:25

                           Period 2 5:55 - 6:10     Period 4 6:45 - 7:00     Period 6 7:35 - 7:50

    Class Access

    Go to Townsend web page, select Students, select Class Link, select the Google Classroom tile, select your English class, and tap on the Google Meet link located in the color boarder at the top left of the classroom page. Enter Google Meet with camera on and microphone off. Thank you!


    Computer Help for Students and Parents

    Click here for Tech Help and Google Classroom Help



    Recommended Supplies - The following items are recommended for your child: spiral notebook for note taking, white-lined paper, pencils, pencil sharpener, highlighter in different colors. Also, I recommend that your child keeps a 3-ring binder with dividers to help stay organized between classes. This is a great way to keep organized until we transition back to Blended Learning at school. Some students may want to print materials from home just to have a tangible notebook. 

    Daily Work Space - Create a place in your home where you will have the least distractions while you are in class. Have textbooks, white-lined paper, pencils, pencil sharpener, and highlighters available in this space so you do not have to look for anything during class.

    TJHS Distance Learning Expectations


    District email - You will use your district email this year. It will be your username followed by @stu.chino.k12.ca.us


    Standard Weekly Announcement:

    Focus on these "I Can" statements below when you are reading and writing.



    I can acquire and use accumulated word knowledge when considering words and phrases usage. 

    I can evaluate words for accurate usage and impact.



    Which evidence from the statement best supports….What conclusion can be drawn from the evidence?


    I can identify implicit and explicit clues in literary text.

    I can identify textual evidence that will support a claim or stance.

    I can support a claim with relevant, explicit examples or evidence.

    I can support a claim with relevant, implicit examples or evidence.