The staff at Townsend Junior High is focused on developing and implementing the 4Cs of 21st Century Learning: collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. The 21st Century skills directly correlate to the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics. The charts below identify the 21st Century skill with the corresponding classroom practice.
21st Century Element CCSS ELA College and Career Readiness Definition
Core Subjects -Build strong content knowledge
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Critical Thinking -Respond to a varying demands of
& Problem Solving audience, task, purpose, and discipline
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Communication -Comprehend as well as critique
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Information Literacy -Value Evidence
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Self-Direction -Demonstrate Independence
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Global Awareness -Come to understand other perspectives and cultures
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Information, Media, -Use technology, and digital media
and Technology Skills strategically and capably
21st Century Skill Mathematical Practices
Critical Thinking and -Make Sense of problems and preserve in solving them
Problem Solving -Reason abstractly and quantitatively
-Model with mathematics
-Look for and make use of structure
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Communication -Construct viable arguments and critique the
Information Literacy reasoning of others
-Attend to precision
-Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Information, -Use appropriate tools strategically
and Technology Literacy
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Additionally, Disciplinary Literacy is a key component of the Common Core and includes history, science, and technology standards that support the ELA CCSS. Instead of a series of isolated subjects, all courses contain disciplinary literacy standards, which align with the reading and writing standards for ELA.
Townsend elective courses include STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). These electives foster innovation and creativity to stretch our students’ minds and foster critical thinking. Giving our children the best education prepares them for success in a rapidly changing world.