    Language Arts and LA Reading Intervention

    Welcome to Mrs. Bales Classroom

    • Contact information
    • Email: alison_bales@chino.k12.ca.us

                       Phone:909 591-2161 x7161

    Other means of communication through classlink

    Office 365, Aeries Portal, Google Classroom

     Per.1 7th grade Language Arts

    Per.2 8th grade Language Arts Collaboration with Mrs. Kuklinski

    Per. 3 8th grade Language Arts Reading Intervention

    Per.5 8th grade Language Arts Collaboration with Mrs. Kuklinski

      • Class Access
      • We will be using Google Classroom and Office 365 Word to post and submit Electronic assignments. Each student will be joined to a Google Classroom automatically (or will receive an access code to enter the class that will be sent to your student email.) If you have any difficulties email me, ASAP.   
      • If need help click Google Classroom Instructions

    Click CVUSD student teacher page for parent student tech resources.