Health Services
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- Home
- Contact Information
- Health Services Programs
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports- Behavior (MTSS-B) Program
- Health Services Forms
- Immunization Requirements
- AB329: Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention
- Care Solace
- Health and Wellness Committee
- Suicide Prevention Awareness Resource Materials
- California Healthy Kids Survey
- Health Services Calendar
Surrounding our Families with a Community of Support
Helping hundreds of families each year, CVUSD's Community CARE Closet provides families in need or crises the opportunity to "shop" for clothing, emergency hygiene products, and school supplies at no cost to the family.
For more information or to set up an appointment to visit the Closet, please call or visit the HOPE Family Resource Center located on the Chino Valley Adult School campus- 12970 Third Street, CA 91710. Families are welcome!
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
(909) 628-1201 ext. 8960 Hablamos español!
Donation drives are organized year-round by our schools, local businesses, faith-based, non-profits, and community members. Items such as school supplies, hygiene products, holiday gifts, and clothing are always needed and can make an immediate impact in the lives of our students. To download flyer, please click HERE
Call to partner with us today!
Signature Collaborative Partners
Community Partners
- 3 Way Thrift Stores
- Assembly Member Freddie Rodriguez, District 52
- Mr. Ben Montgomery
- Bread of Life Church
- Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
- Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
- City of Chino Hills City Clerk's Office
- City of Chino Hills Council Member Marquez
- City of Chino Hills Mayor Cynthia Moran
- Chino Police Department
- Chino Valley Democratic Club
- Chino Valley Fire Foundation
- Chino Valley Lodge #427
- Chino Valley YMCA
- Christ Lutheran Church
- CVUSD Special Education Department
- Ed Acts Global
- FedEx Chino Branch
- Food for Life Ministry
- Girl Scout Troops #664 & #70614
- Gracepoint Church
- High Five Afterschool Program
- Isaiah's Rock
- Ms. Karen Kao
- Knights of Columbus #15339
- Ms. Leslie Toledo
- Litel Elementary
- Mr. Wayne Joseph
- Russ Miller Scholarship Fund
- SA Recycling
- SOAR Afterschool Program
- Ms. Susan Stack
- Teen Center, City of Chino
- Veterans of Foreign War Post #11546