Leadership Class / ASB Officer Selection Process for the 2025 - 26 School Year
Leadership Class / ASB Officer Selection Timeline
January 9, 2025: Informational Meeting for interested students in the Media center during 7th grade lunch–applications available online on Townsend website and in the 7th grade google classroom
January 24, 2025: Round One online applications and recommendations for 8th graders in the 2025-26 school year due
January 27 - 28, 2025: Interviews for ASB Candidates
January 31, 2025: ASB Officers for the 25 - 26 school year announced during 6th period
February 7, 2025: Leadership List for 8th grade in the 2025 - 26 school year posted online and in the grade level google classroom–please call office to verify last name
April 24, 2025: Orientation for 7th graders in the 2025 - 26 school year
May 2, 2025: Round Two applications and recommendations for 7th graders in the 2025-26 school year due
May 23, 2025: Leadership List for 7th grade in the 2025-26 school year posted online–please call office to verify last name
Round One – Incoming 8th Graders
Current 7th graders who will be 8th graders in the 2025 - 26 school year at Townsend Junior High School with a 2.0 GPA or higher and exemplary citizenship are invited to submit applications for the Leadership class and ASB Officer positions online by JANUARY 24, 2025.
Student must be logged in to their CVUSD Google Account
Student applicants are also responsible for sending the below link to all 6 of their current teachers as well as an influential adult (who is not a relative) so that they may complete the recommendation by the application due date of January 24, 2025.
This application should be completed in one session and may not always save as you work, so it is suggested that you complete the below essay questions on a separate document that can then be copied and pasted into the application to submit.
Why would you like to be involved in student government and the Leadership class at Townsend?
What qualities, characteristics, and experiences do you have that make you a good leader? Include special skills, talents, and previous leadership positions held as well as activities / groups / teams / events / hobbies with which you have been involved.
As a leader on campus, what would you do to make every student on our campus feel valued and important at our school and in our community?
What would you do to serve your school, community, and world while a student at Townsend? Include why you think this is important.
Who (or what) has had the greatest impact on your life? This could be a family member or friend or a leader you admire. Explain how they have influenced you and made you a better person.
What is the biggest obstacle you have overcome in life, and how has that impacted your ability to lead?
If you had to compare yourself to one fictional character, who would you say you are most like? Explain why.
You will also need to submit a video introducing yourself as a leader. The video must be one minute or less and should showcase who you are and why you would like to represent Townsend as a leader on campus. Anything past a minute will not be considered in the application process.
If desired, you may submit files showing original artwork / photography / videography to demonstrate Leadership qualifications here. Letters of recommendation will not be considered.
Please submit the completed form by Friday, January 24, 2025. On this date, the application will close, and late applications will not be accepted for any reason.
Students who apply to the Leadership class are evaluated on the basis of their application answers, grades, citizenship, and teacher / influential adult recommendations. The student's name is not considered during the selection process. Approximately 34 incoming 8th grade students (including selected ASB Officers) are selected to fill the class, based on contract-negotiated class size. A waiting list is established for the remaining eligible students. Students will be added to the class if openings in their grade level become available, according to the numerical order of the waiting list. The Leadership class list for incoming 8th graders is posted online with first name and last initial only. Last name should be verified by the office. The waiting list is kept by the scheduling secretary.