• Welcome to Ms. Sullivan's CTE Library Science I/II Classroom!

    Library Science Bitmoji  



    WELCOME to CTE Library Science 1 and 2!! Our classroom is easy to locate, we are in the Library room D218! 

    Please contact me at dorinda_sullivan@chino.k12.ca.us if you have any questions or concerns. I am committed to returning all emails within 24 hours during the school week. I am also available by appointment, Monday through Friday, and also by Google Meet if that fits your schedule.  

    * Students are expected to access, complete, and submit material in our Google Classroom, which we will be working with all school year.

    * All learning will be done through a combination of our Google Classroom, in-person learning, and using posted material, screen casts, projects, reflection journals, given links to apps, supplemental material, etc..

    * Students are expected to discuss and respond with their classmates through our Google Classroom while on Distance Learning and participate in-person when appropriate.

    * Our complete class syllabus can also be found on our Google Classroom.

    CTE Library Science 1 Course Syllabus

    CTE Library Science 2 Course Syllabus


    Directions to Access Google Classroom through ClassLink (open a Chrome Browser)

    1. Students can log into their ClassLink through their Chino High School webpage. For example Chino High School would be www.chino.k12.ca.us/chinohigh or click here .

    2. ClassLink can be located under the Students tab

    3. The username for ClassLink is the same username students use to sign into their laptops, which is their student ID. Example:  John Cowboy's username will be his 9 digit student ID - 123456789  

    4. The password for ClassLink is the same password students use to sign into the computers and laptops on campus. This will be an UPPERCASE first letter of their first name and a lowercase first letter of their last name, and the last five numbers of their student ID. Example: Jc54321 (for John Cowboy xxxx56789). If the student is new to CVUSD, their password will be the UPPERCASE first letter of their first name, lowercase first letter of their last name, and their birthdate (mm/dd/yy) including backslashes. Example: John Cowboy's password would be Jc05/01/10

    5. Google Classroom is located in your ClassLink. Your Chino Valley USD email must be used to log into Google Classroom. This is the email that is your username and ends with @stu.chino.k12.ca.us (with your same password as above). Example: 123456789@stu.chino.k12.ca.us



    Directions to Access Google Classroom Directly (open a Chrome Browser)

    1. You can access Google Classroom directly at www.classroom.google.com or click here

    2. Your username is your student email ending in @stu.chino.k12.ca.us  Example:  9 digit ID#@stu.chino.k12.ca.us

    3. Your password is the same password you use to sign into your school laptop.  Example:  Jc56789 (for John Cowboy xxxx56789) unless you are a new student, and then it is Jc05/01/10



    And remember, I may be your Library Science teacher, but I am your school librarian FIRST, and I am always here to help you with any of your academic and classroom needs!



    Dorinda Sullivan, M.A. Ed. & Teacher Librarian

    CVUSD District Librarian

    Secondary Curriculum

    Chino High School Library (909)627-7351 ext. 3286

    CTE Library Science I/II

    CTE Department Chair

    CTE Coordinator





    “In a world where you can be anything, be kind" – unknown

    "A goal without a plan is just a wish" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince