• newfoundland dog Back to School


    syllabus     Please read


     Welcome to Mrs. O'Malley    Distance Learning Classroom 

    I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24  hours on weekdays

    Virtual Hours office Hours:

    These are the hours which I will be available,live, on Google Meet, for questions regarding assignments,schedules and other schoolwork concerns. Find the link for my Virtual Office Hours in our Google Classroom,Classroom page under the "Communication Heading".

    Monday 7:30-8:15 English 11

    Tuesday 1:45-2:30 English12

    Wednesday 1:45-2:30  English 11

    Thursday 7:30-8:15 English 12


    The Codes for Google Classroom are:

    English 11 Collab period 1  

    English 11CP period 2-   Google Class code ztiq6z3 

    English 12CP Collab period 3   

    English 12 CP period 4 Code ygi6ryd



    We will be using Google Classroom to post and submit Electronic assignments. Each student will receive an access code to enter the class, that will be sent to your student email.  If you have difficulties email me, ASAP. Attendance will be taken daily. 

    You will need your computer or phone for all Google Class assignments.  Please look at your email for directions on how to get on to Google Classroom.  Assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. I will post all assignments and grades in Google Classroom.  If you feel you have uploaded an assignment and it has not been graded email me. 


    My email is kimberly_omalley@chino.k12.ca.us

    Parents and Students, please check the Announcement page frequently for the most up to date information for all classes.