  • Welcome to Ms. Diaz's classroom page! 

    Excited for a new year!

    Information can be found on this page and more on Google Classroom.

    You can access your Google Classroom by going to the Chino High Website. Click on the Students tab and there will be a link that says "ClassLink Access". After you sign in, you will have an app that is called Google Classroom, where you will be able to access all of your classes.

    I will be passing out  papers for classwork and homework, but if you would prefer to do the work online, you will have access to the documents on Google Classroom.


    Class expectations, grading policies, and more can be found in the Syllabus given in the first week of school or found on the class page to the left. 


    Contact Information:

    I can be reached by email at destinee_diaz@chino.k12.ca.us

    Please provide your first and last name when emailing.

    I will respond within 24 hours.