Welcome To Mr. Ledesma's Classroom Page

  • Welcome to Mr. Ledesma's Distance Learning Classroom

    You can email me directly at: joe_ledesma@chino.k12.ca.us, I am available during office hours by appointment MW 7:30AM-8:15AM/TTh 1:35PM-2:20PM 

    You can reach me by phone at 909-627-7351 Ext. 3614

    Also, one of the fastest ways to reach me is through a private message within Google Classroom, as notifications are pushed toward my cell phone.

    I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.



Degrees and Certifications:

  • Virtual Office Hours

    These are hours which I will be available, live, on Google Meet, for questions regarding assignments, schedules, and other schoolwork concerns. 

    Mondays and Wednesdays- 7:30 AM- 8:15 AM

    Tuesdays and Thursdays- 1:35 PM- 2:20 PM

     My Office Hours

  • Distance Teaching and Learning Classroom Expectations


    General Expectations

    · Students should not share their login information, meeting links, or passwords with others.

    · To the extent possible, students should participate in virtual instruction from a quiet and neutral area that is free of distractions.

    · School and classroom rules apply to the virtual instruction environment.

    · It is recommended that students review the District Technology Acceptable/ Responsible Use Policy regarding expectations for behavior while conducting themselves online and on District devices. [Click here to Review the CVUSD Responsible Use Policy.]

    · Students should dress appropriately for virtual instruction sessions.

    · Students who use inappropriate language, share inappropriate images, or in any way behave inappropriately on a video conference will be subject to appropriate discipline.

    Students should not conduct audio or video recordings or take screen shots of virtual class meetings or activities unless they have received prior permission to do so from a teacher or authorized District official.

    · To the extent possible, parents should allow the student to work with the instructor or provider in a quiet, private space. However, to the extent a student requires adult support to participate in virtual instruction/services, a parent or guardian may be specifically asked by the instructor or service provider to provide such support.

    · Once the virtual instruction session or meeting is over, students should be sure to close out of the meeting platform entirely. Students should also ensure that cameras are covered and that microphones are turned off to avoid inadvertent transmission following the meeting.

    Virtual Meetings

    Students should begin to log in to sessions before the class start time.

    Reqiurements for virtual meetings, include maintaining a continuous visual of student, muting at the begining of class, and using the hand raise icon for a question

    Meeting times are set by the bell schedule and students should be ready to start as determined by designated period start time.

    If a student is absent from a class meeting it will be counted as an absence. The student may then seek me out during office hours to make up assignments or get information when appropriate.

    Communications / Academics

    The assignments will be posted online along with the due dates in Google Classroom, please see the links on my class page, and as always, ENTER THROUGH YOUR CLASSLINK PAGE. All my classes should become familiar with how to use Google Classroom, since students will check for assignments and due dates for those assignments on their respective class page in Google. Because the course meets online, it is important that students budget their time and are aware of participation and assignment due dates. Students in online courses must take a greater responsibility for the progress of their learning. My classes are listed below, along with their respective join codes.

        Period 1 English 12CP: *NEW SEM2  GC w7miwtq

      Period 2 ERWC:*NEW SEM2 GC zgzxbyx

    Period 3 AP Lit:   *NEW SEM2 GC   ccfz5su 

       Period 4 Creative Writing:*NEW SEM2 GC  kxldima

    Period 5 English 12 CP  *NEW SEM2  GC   jttgsjo


    Teacher commitments

    What you can expect from me:

    • provide comprehensive learning material on time every day
    • provide scheduled live online office hours- listed on home page
    • provide an ongoing help forum for students that are need of he 

    Feedback/Response time: I will do my best to answer student emails within 24 hours and to evaluate activities and assignments within 7-10 days.

    Grades: Assignment feedback and grades will be kept in Google Classroom and Aries. Assignments will be turned in through the uploading of files to Google Classroom. Grades may be monitored in google classroom and progress reports and semester grades will be posted in Aeries. Assignments completed in Pearson and/or ConnectEd may have instantaneous feedback. All other work submitted will have feedback provided by the teacher.

    Student expectations

    The success of an online course depends a great deal on the participation and contributions of the students. Your success in completing projects will depend upon your understanding of material presented in the course. Active participation is required. Please explain any lapse in participation via private email. Your final grade will reflect the level of participation you give to the course.

    I expect you to: 

    • keep up with the material covered every week
    • complete your homework and quizzes on time
    • participate actively in classwork expectations
    • abide by the standards of academic honesty and student code of conduct
    • seek help when you don’t understand a topic 
    • RESPECT EVERYONE IN OUR CLASS-Follow the Golden Rule-Do unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You 


    Email Mr. Ledesma for access to teacher-specific applications @ joe_ledesma@chino.k12.ca.us