Welcome to Ms. Bergmann’s class website!

  • I'm so excited to meet all of you!

    • Please scroll down for general class information.
    • Click on your course title (to the left on computer and above on smartphone) for specific information about the class.
Welcome to Math Class!

    Class Info:

    • Email: tina_bergmann@chino.k12.ca.us (I will do my best to respond within 24 hours)
    • We will be using Google Classroom this year. Please access Google Classroom through your Classlink. To find your Classlink, go to the Chino High School webpage →  Students → ClassLink → Google Classroom 
      • For help accessing Classlink, please click here.
    • I will be using the Remind App to send class updates and reminders. You can also send me a direct message through Remind. Sign up by using the class code for your period listed under the courses to the left.
    • I will be using Aeries Parent Portal to update grades. Please ensure that you are able to login to your Aeries account.
      • To login to your Aeries account, click here
      • For help creating a new Aeries account, click here
      • You can also download the Aeries Mobile Portal app on your smartphone!
    • For the bell schedule, click here.

    Remember to be safe, be responsible, be respectful, and be resilient! 

    I'm looking forward to exploring the world of math with all of you! 

    -Ms. Bergmann