• Welcome to Mr. Walworth's Chino High School (Held at Magnolia JH) World History Summer School class.

    As your teacher, I am here for you.  During these challenging times, be assured that I hold my students' education as paramount importance.

    Contact me at frank_walworth@chino.k12.ca.us

    Good morning students!
    We will be studying World History, from ancient times, to modern societies.
    Some important things to remember for Summer School:
    Session 1 is from Mon 6 June until Tue 21 June 2022.
    Session 2 is from Thu 23 June until Mon 11 July 2022.
    If a student is absent 7 hours this leads to being dropped from World History.
    Be sure to have your World History textbook in class. You need it daily.  Be sure to bring supplies.  Do your own work, do not copy or pass answers to another student.
    Points can be lost for:
    • Not bringing book, student can lose 1 point.
    • Double-submitting work.  When you are in class, turn in assignments in my in-box.  If you are out, you may submit by Google Classroom.  Don't do both ways for same assignment.  It takes more work to have to go in and discover that assignment was already submitted, and already received credit.  2 point fine for "double-submitting work," unless allowed by IEP.
    • Be sure to staple work together.  One point lost for assignments turned in not stapled, as papers can be lost.
    • Excessive talking-student can lose one point.  I will give warning first, before taking point.
    • Copying, cheating, talking during test, or passing answers.
    • Not having supplies.
    Late work policy:  Assignments must be turned in by due date.  The day after, it will only receive half credit.  After that, work may not be turned in, unless allowed by IEP.  Be sure to read your IEP policy, as it may have restrictions, such as, "you must talk with teacher before due date," or "50% extra time," or similar.  

    If you need to contact me, do so by email, or in class.  I look forward to working with you!


    Mr. Walworth

    World History