Class Rules

  • General Expectations:

    • Students should not share their login information, meeting links, or passwords with others.
    • To the extent possible, students should participate in virtual instruction from a quiet and neutral area that is free of distractions.
    • School and classroom rules apply to the virtual instruction environment.
    • It is recommended that students review the District Technology Acceptable/Responsible Use Policy regarding expectations for behavior while conducting themselves online and on District devices. 
    • Students should dress appropriately for virtual instruction sessions.
    • Students who use inappropriate language, share inappropriate images, or in any way behave inappropriately on a video conference will be subject to appropriate discipline.
    • Students should not conduct audio or video recordings or take screen shots of virtual class meetings or activities unless they have received prior permission to do so from a teacher or authorized District official.
    • To the extend possible, parents should allow the students to work with the instructor or provider in a quiet, private space. However, to the extent a student requires adult support to participate in virtual instruction/services, a parent or guardian may be specifically asked by the instructor or support provider to provide such support.
    • Once the virtual instruction session or meeting is over, students should be sure to close out of the meeting platform entirely. Students should also ensure that cameras are covered and that microphones are turned off to avoid inadvertent transmission following the meeting.

    Virtual Meetings/Class Instruction:

    • Students should be logged in and ready for class within 5 minutes of the class start time.
    • Please mute your microphone at the beginning of class.
    • Students should be visable during the entire session. (80 minutes per period)
    • Use the chat button to ask any questions during instruction.
    • If absent from a class please email me immediately for missed work.


    • All classwork/assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.
    • Students/parents can access grades in the Aeries student portal.
    • Student work is usually graded weekly.

    Troubleshooting Guidance:

    • Student self-solving: Visit CVUSD EdTech Notebook (Linked on student Classlink page)
    • Access to district technology from home: Community Support Hotline (M-F, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (909)628-1202, Ext. 1080
    • Access to district technology from home: