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Independent Study for Special Education
Who We Are:
We are a specialized campus with various programs that service the Chino Valley Unified School District in a non-traditional format. Students in our program must have the ability to work independently and manage their time effectively. Support is available from content-based teachers.
What is I.S.?
Independent Studies (IS) is designed for students as an alternative instructional strategy to the traditional school setting. This program allows students to recapture credits and work independently of the traditional
classroom schedule and format. Students complete courses required by the California Department of Education and Chino Valley
Unified School District and can earn a high school diploma through IS and graduate from their high school of residence.*Students may earn up to 45 credits per semester
Students must be enrolled in one of our CVUSD high schools and have an IEP.
Students must be willing to complete work independently.
Students must have transportation to and from program.
Who May Qualify?
Independent Studies is a voluntary program for students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in any of our five comprehensive high schools who need an alternative program. In addition, students who may qualify for IS may be low on credits, need to improve their GPA, have failed some classes, have a special circumstance that requires them to be out of the classroom for long periods, or may have medical or social concerns that impede their ability to be in a traditional classroom setting.
Things to Consider:
Is the student self-motivated?
Is the student a junior/senior?
Is the student lacking credits?
Is the student in their 5th year and close to graduating?
Where Do I Start?
Contact your son/daughter's case carrier if this program seems like a good fit for your child.
The Process
If your child fits the criteria, their case carrier must initiate a referral* with their school site administrator. The school site administrator will then contact the Alternative Ed. Center. A referral packet will be completed by the home school case carrier, an IEP meeting will be scheduled, and the IEP team will determine if the program is appropriate for the student.
*Please note that every referral is looked at on a case-by-case basis and does not guarantee a spot in the program.*