Ray Tracing Handouts - Lenses and Curved Mirrors
This packet steps you through the image formation by lenses and mirrors using ray tracing of the 3 principal rays in lenses and spherical mirrors.
Significant Digits and Measurement
This is a worksheet to help understand significance in measurement. This helps you judge how many digits are worth recording for a given measurement.
College Board Explains "Paragraph-Length Response"
In this single page memo, the college board outlines specifically how well things should be explained here. It's worth a quick read. It's the standard I try to hold you to myself in all written responses (labs, tests, quizzes, homework).
AP2 Lab #5
Determine the focal length of a converging lens from a graph of your data. This one's a bit freeform, so have fun!
AP2 Lab #3
We're using multiple voltages to charge individual capacitors and both capacitors arranged in series and in parralel to see what their overall capacitances are experimentally and to test the predicting power of the calculations we use to find combined capacitance values.
AP2 Lab #2
We determine the density of water by floating things in some water. Change the mass in there and they sink a little. How far they sink (depending how "wide" they are) can tell us how dense the water is. That's the idea. -
AP2 Lab #1
Test out your "physics chops" with this challenge. YOU design the experiment to find out how much mass is in a mystery object using normal lab equipment. What do you think might work?
AP Physics Lab Guidelines
Here are the general lab guidelines for AP Physics 1 that we went over together in class for your reference.