Welcome to the Discovery Lessons page!
Lesson 12 - Electrostatics & Magnetism
We study static cling (along with frizzy hair) in terms of electrostatic repulsion and attraction here. Also, we study magnetism. We'll compare their differences and similarities here.
Lesson 11 - Electric Circuits
Lesson 11 - Electric CircuitsElectric Circuits! We discover how charge flows through circuits using batteries, wires, and light bulbs. -
Lesson 10 - Circular Motion
Lesson 10 - Circular MotionUniform Circular Motion with centripetal force and acceleration. Coin spun on hanger, mass on a string spun above your head, etc.
Lesson 9 - Momentum&Impulse
This lesson explores impulse and momentum using 2 lab carts bumping into each other among other things.
Lesson 7 - Newton's Third Law & Passive Forces
This explores Newton's 3rd Law and the normal force, the force of friction, and the force of tension.
Lesson 6 - Combining Forces
Carts, masses, and pulleys. Tie a string to the cart and accelerate it with hanging masses. We discover how force affects motion here.
Lesson 5 - Vectors and Projectile Motion
Work with protractors and triangles using the floor as a grid to discover vector components - then explore projectile motion components conceptually and quantitatively using thought experiments and a picture of the parabolic projectile motion in equal intervals of time. -
Lesson 4 - Motion Equations
This is the Discovery Lesson where we work on describing motion using equations instead of graphs. -
Lesson 3 - Graphing Acceleration
This Discovery Lab is about accelerations. Collect data by using motion detectors to find the motion of a lab cart rolling back and forth on the tabletop along a line. Then use the data to explore position, velocity, and ultimately acceleration graphs.
Lesson 2 - Graphing Velocity
This is our second Discovery Lab. Collect data of your movement in the classroom using motion detectors. Then use the data to explore position and velocity graphs. Graphing is a good time.
Lesson 1 - Introductory Physics Topics
Introduction to Discovery Labs with a short study of optical lenses, then notes for the first chapter topics: Units, Scientific Notation, Orders of Magnitude, Accuracy & Precision, Conversions, Dimensional Analysis
Honors Physics Files
HONORS Lesson 8 - Work & Energy
This explores physical work & energy, its conservation, and energy types.
HONORS Lesson 7 - Newton's Third Law & Passive Forces
This explores Newton's 3rd Law and the normal force, the force of friction, and the force of tension.
Significant Digits and Measurement
This is a worksheet to help understand significance in measurement. This helps you judge how many digits are worth recording for a given measurement.
Other Physics Files
Action and Reaction Handouts
These handouts help you understand Newton's 3rd Law: The Law of Action and Reaction forces
Significant Digits and Measurement
This is a worksheet to help understand significance in measurement. This helps you judge how many digits are worth recording for a given measurement.
Forces Handouts
Handouts with practice using Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws of Motion to solve for values of acceleration, force, and mass in a variety of situations
Error Analysis Exercises
Practice with science "error" meaning uncertainty (not mistakes).
Print for use in class.
Parallax Beast
If you want to print and make your own parallax beast, here is where you can print it from. Because the faraway parts appear to move slower than the closer parts, it gives the illusion of turning its head. It was inspired by the work of Jerry Andrus to to celebrate the Gathering for Gardner (Martin Gardner, that is), January 16-18, 1998. Now we are using it for fun and for PHYSICS!