• Welcome to Mr. Daugherty's Physics Classroom! 

    Check Google Classroom daily!


    Announcements, weekly schedules, distribution of course resources, and submission of work will be communicated through google classroom. Please email me (see below) if you are having any troubles accessing google classroom. 

    Learning Routine

    Lessons usually consist of a 5-10 minute warm up activity, a short introduction to the days topic (5-10 minutes), Guided practice (10-20 minutes) and independent activities for the remainder of the period where students strenghten connections made earlier in the class period. 

    Note: Certain days, such as lab and test days, will be slightly different as the lab or test will likely take up the entire period. 

    Instructor Support 

    I will be available to answer questions in-class and via email or the Remind application after school hours. All emails will be answered within 24 hours (on weekdays).

    I am also hoping to provide office hours to struggling students. However, at this point I have not decided on a specific time/method. I will update my webpage as soon as I have decided upon a schedule. 

    Contact Information 

    Email: M_daughertysaunders@chino.k12.ca.us

    Students may also contact me via the Remind app. 

    (Remind codes have been posted on Google Classroom)