Sjol, Alexis
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Welcome to Mrs. Sjol's 10 Honors English Website
In this class, you will be challenged to think critically and creatively as we encounter important issues that are relevant to our lives. Also, we will study significant literary works in order to develop ethical, aesthetic, and cultural awareness. As my student, I will do all I can to help you learn and develop as individuals; however, this can only be achieved if you take a proactive role in your education. The standards are high, but you can reach them through dedication, a positive attitude, and practice.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."
--e.e. cummings
Please feel free to contact me at All emails will be returned within 48 hours.
Contact and Help
I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 48 hours on weekdays. I will also be available for help before school or after school. Students can make appointments with me for help.
Class Syllabus
Please read the syllabus. The syllabus includes all the important information. This can be found under “10 Honors Files”.
Classroom Platform
We will use Google Classroom. Students are expected to check Google Classroom every day, even days when they are absent. Google Classroom codes will be provided in class.
Students can access both Google Classroom and school email (Outlook) through Classlink. Remember to use your CVUSD Google Account when logging into Google Classroom.
Password: Capital first initial followed by lowercase second initial followed by last 5 digits of student ID)
Instructional Plan
All instructional information will be posted on the whiteboard and Google Classroom.