English 12CP
2024-2025 School Year
Instructor: Mr. Michael J. Rodriguez
email: michael_rodriguez@chino.k12.ca.us
response time: 48 hours
(909) 627-3584
I was looking out the window.
I should have looked at your face instead.
~ Neil Peart, 1987
To the Class of 2025 (oh yeah!)
Welcome to Mr. Rodzilla's [ Box/Singularity ] of Learning & Growing, all in the name of becoming...
Course: English 12CP
Main Objectives: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Thinking
Required Materials:
Folder, pen, pencil, paper, open mind :)
My Perspectives (12CP textbook): British and World Literature
Other supplies may be necessary, depending on classroom/group/individual activities
Laptop computer
Rod's Weekly Schedule
If at any point you need to meet with me, please let me know and we will schedule a time.
English 12CP 2024-2025 Expectations
Student Work:
- Please hand in your work on time (via Google Classroom)
- Late work will be accepted for excused absences and reasonable excuses (i.e., emergencies).
- Please do your own work on individual assignments. You work is an artifact of what you have learned as well as an example of your skills.
- No cheating. No copying. No plagiarizing.
- Plagiarism will result in a score of zero (0).
- Respect your own thoughts—do not use artificial intelligence to think for you.
- A dog tied to a parking meter should never give up theorizing.
- Please participate.
- Be an active listener.
- Please make sure your work is presentable.
- Be curious. Ask questions. Do not be afraid to share.
- Please be as positive as possible. Always be respectful. Your health and safety come first.
- Do not be afraid to ask for help.
- Be helpful
Standards Overview:
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
California/CVUSD textbook:
My Perspective: British and World Literature
- Unit One – Forging a Hero
- Unit Two – Reflecting on Society
- Unit Three – Facing the Future, Confronting the Past
- Unit Four – Seeing Things New
- Unit Five – Discovering the Self
- Unit Six – Finding a Home
Grading Policy:
- Writing 40%, Reading 30%, Projects 20%, and Practice 10%
- 90-100 A
- 80-89 B
- 70-79 C
- 60-69 D
- 00-59 F
- Grades will be updated once a week (roughly).
Kinds of Assignments:
- Research, research-based assignments, close reads, book reports, writing assignments in response to fiction and non-fiction materials, individual and group projects, journals/creative writing, essays, videos, etc.
Behavior Code:
- Please respect self and others
- Please be on task and try at all times
- Please be ready to learn
- Be kind to others
- Be neat
- Ask questions, be open-minded
- Critical thinking is not about being perfect but rather working on your thought process
- I will work with you: I will do my best to understand you
- Your brain is a gateway:)
Read to gather information. Write in order to process the information that you gather. Cool? Cool.
- All Categories
- Unassigned
- Assessment
- Practice
- Reading
- Writing
- Select Month
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Select Year
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
There are no past due assignments.