Chappell, Michelle
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* Mrs. Chappell's Classroom ** Digital Platforms:Google Classroom will still be in use, so be sure to check/utilize the Google Classroom daily for announcements, assignments, updates and more.* Coursework:During daily instructional class time, as well as Google Classroom, students will be assigned weekly classwork, homework and review, which are aligned with specific essential standards and units of learning. These will be monitored weekly for completion, accuracy, and quality. Assignments are expected to be submitted in a timely manner; feedback will be given on individual assignments at the instructor's discretion.* Assessments:Instructions for essays, projects and/or summative assessments will be provided during instructional time, as well as within our Google Classroom.* Materials:Pearson, My Perspectives (textbook) Volumes I & II, English Compendium (spiral) Notebook, a CVUSD Chromebook laptop, along with any additional supplemental educational resources, will be used to extend and support student learning.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * As needed, Mrs. Chappell reserves the right to amend any/all of this information at anytime for any reason. * ** * Honors English 9 * *
Instructor: Mrs. Michelle Chappell
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ~ Benjamin Franklin--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to Chino Hills High School, The Pride of the Hills! I will have the honor of being your English instructor for the academic year. My goal is to increase and strengthen your student's knowledge in the English curricula area. Our curriculum is based on ELA Common Core and Essential Standards. These standards will be my guide for planning and implementing daily activities/lessons, short/long-term objectives, and assessments. I look forward to a productive and successful year. Go CHHS Huskies!Please feel free to contact me via email ( with any questions or concerns you may have.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Expectations:
* My expectations are that all students demonstrate the following:- Respect - Students will respect all classmates, students, and adults.
- Responsibility - Students are responsible for work and conduct (actions).
- Readiness - Students will come prepared daily with necessary materials to learn upon arrival.
- Participation - Students will actively participate in daily activities, discussions, and lessons.
* Course Materials:- Student ID card - Class Schedule - English Compendium Notebook
- 70+ pg. spiral notebook (this will be your English Compendium Notebook; to be used for English only)
- pens (blue, black, and red) - pencils
- lined filler paper - SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) novel(s)
- highlighters (various colors) - dry erase marker(s)
- student scissors - index cards
- Post-its - glue stick
- CHHS Agenda - colored pencils/markers
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* English Department Policies:
- NO LATE WORK will be accepted unless it is due to a cleared absence.
- Students will keep their essays (writing) in class in a designated student folder.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Grading:
- Grades will be updated weekly and written in the English Compendium Notebook (Grade Update page).The grade updates will need a parent/guardian signature for verification of notice.
- All Categories
- Unassigned
- Select Month
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Select Year
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
There are no past due assignments.
* Binder Checks:
- 2" minimum, 3 ring binder
- Tabs (labeled with course title)
- Lined paper
- Pens/pencils
- Dry erase marker(s)
--> NOTE: On Mondays, binders will be checked for neatness and organization.
* Cornell Notes:
- 5 Cornell Notes (follow specific format; per week)
- Must be neat and thorough
--> NOTE: On Mondays, 5 Cornell Notes are due and will be checked for completion.
* Tutorials: (Tuesday and Thursday; weekly)
- Have a new TRF ready for tutorials on Tuesday and Thursday
- 3 column notes will also be used during the tutorial session
- Students are expected to be active participants in the tutorial process.
- All Categories
- Unassigned
- Select Month
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Select Year
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
There are no past due assignments.