• Welcome to Mr. Jacoby's Classroom!


    General Information:

    Students, we utilize Google Classroom for all materials, work and projects used throughout the year. Please make sure you are checking Google Classroom on a daily basis for your work and all messages. You can access your respective Google Classroom sites either through ClassLink (link) or Google Classroom (link given at the beginning of each school year)


    Contact Information

    Email: adam_jacoby@chino.k12.ca.us (Primary Contact Channel)

    Google Classroom

    I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.


    Important Notes

    Parents and students, please check the Class Stream frequently for the most up-to-date information for all classes. Additionally, the Syllabus, which will contain expectations for class, will be posted in Google Classroom (Classwork Page) under the "Syllabus" heading.