Welcome to Mrs. Bhasin's Classroom!
Room 203
Contact Information: ramandeep_bhasin@chino.k12.ca.us
I will do my best to respond to all emails within 2 school days.
Google Classroom: Please check Google Classroom for daily updates, assignments, and materials.
Parent Communication: Parent Square will be used for mass communication.
Emails will be sent for individualized updates and IEP messages.
Mrs. Bhasin's Schedule: Period 2 is my prep period. Please stop by if you have any questions or concerns.
Period 1: Room 143 Period 4: Room 143
Period 2: Room 203 Period 5: Room 203 ... Prep Period
Period 3: Room 203/111 Period 6: Room 143Office Hours: Available after school 3:22 pm - 3:45 pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, and during lunch every day. Please contact Mrs. Bhasin to make an appointment.