First Day of School
You can access ClassLink two ways:
Option 1) You can go to the CHHS Homepage and click the Student Menu in the toolbar, then go to Classlink and log in
Option2 ) You can simply click the ClassLink and Email tab on this page and log in. Click on Google Classroom and find your math class.
First Day of School
Period 1 8:10-9:04
Period 2 9:10-10:07
Period 3 10:13-11:07
Period 4 11:13-12:07
Lunch 12:07-12:37
Period 5 12:43-1:37
Period 6 1:43-2:37
**Office Hours Tues/Thurs/Fri**
Contact Information and Office Hours
Email me at: nataly_aguilera@chino.k12.ca.usEmail is the best way to contact me with questions or concerns.I am committed to responding to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on weekdays.These are hours which I will be available in class for questions regarding assignments, schedules, and other schoolwork concerns.
** Tues/Thurs/Fri**
Class Access
We will be using Google Classroom to post and submit Electronic assignments.
Each student has been added to their class on google classroom according to their schedule on Aeries. If you do not see your class on google classroom, please email me!